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Common Mistakes Made During 60 Second Presentations - Part one of a Four Part Series

BNI (organization)Image via WikipediaAs a business consultant and BNI Director I get to help lots of business professional make the most of their word of mouth marketing efforts. Most often I am asked to evaluate their elevator speeches. You know their "60 second infomercials'" or "Sales Manager Minutes" as they are called in "BNI". Over the years I have discovered over 2 dozen things that a person can do wrong when presenting their sales manager minutes.

This article is the first installment of a four part series on common mistakes made during 60 second presentations. In this segment I will discuss the first 5 of these 2 dozen or so common mistakes that I seen. These 4 articles will give you the cure for these all so common aliments so that your 60 second presentations will produce result and make you more money. Eliminate a few and you will see real results. Eliminate them all and the referrals will come rolling in. So let's get started.
Fish Hooks - A VarietyImage via Wikipedia
Common Mistake #1. "No Hook".

It is important that your last statement be a memorable one (hopefully a positive one too). People are more likely to remember the first thing and last thing you say and your hook can help "brand" you as the go to person for your particular product or service. Make your hook different, but easy to remember. Keep it simple. Using your companies' slogan is ok, as is rhyme for effect. Keep in mind that you want to be remembered in a positive way so don't make it too funny or off the wall.

Common Mistake #2."Selling to your audience"

Audiance at closing ceremony of Wikimania 2008.Image via Wikipedia
In many cases your audience includes your referral partners. Your mission should be to educate your referral partners in stead of selling to them. People join referral network to get referral not be sold to. Make sure you remove or change the words "you and yours" when ever possible to something else. Don't use phrases like "everyone in this room can use this"! Change the sentence from you need to buy this to; "so when you customers does xyz, tell them about me and my service/product". Sell to their customer not to them.

Common Mistake #3. "Not saying your Name".
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - OCTOBER 23: Tournament Dire...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeIt is important that you always say your name when presenting. I often hear members of various net working organization say things like, "You All know me" at the beginning of their sales manager minutes. Although this may be true, often times there are people in the room who don't know you. These "visitors" to your net work meeting are clueless to who you are. They could very well need your product or service and with out your name in hand, they may have to leave with out being able to connect with you. Get use to saying your name every time you present and you will never miss an opportunity with a visitor.

Common Mistake #4. "Going to short!"
It is important that you use every second of your time when doing a 60 second presentation. You did pay for that time didn't you? Would you go to a radio station and pay for a 60 second commercial and be happy when you only get 30 second of air time? No way! Create 60 second presentation, (or what ever time frame you are given). Use the whole amount of time allotted. So remember this. If you meet 50 times a year you only get 50 minutes a year for this type of advertising. If you're in a BNI chapter don't waste these precious moments. If you're in any other networking organization the same goes for you!

Common Mistake #5." Going too long!"

English: A stopwatch is a hand-held timepiece ...Image via WikipediaIf your sales manager minute goes too long, you quickly start to lose credibility with your audience. "Going to long", is being disrespectful of the other time. It also makes you look unprepared and unprofessional. Rehearse and time your 60 second presentations. Take advantage of the spot light you're given.

In my next segment I will discuss 5 more common mistakes made during 60 second presentations. Each segment will cover 5 or 6 topics. All of these common mistakes affect you're ability to get qualified referrals from the people you meet. Eliminating these common mistakes will greatly increase your result and land you that dream referral you've been looking for. Until then, work on these and let me know how it's helping you. If you would like to know more about this subject, visit my free blog to read several other articles covering word of mouth marketing.

That's my opinion, what's yours.

Hector Cisneros is an entrepreneur/businessman with over 25 years experience, is a 17-year veteran of BNI, and was BNI Director for 6 years. Currently he manages 3 businesses, writes and coach's business people in the art of Word of Mouth and internet marketing. He has several intl. published articles covering word of mouth marketing, social media marketing and how to improve your 60-second presentations. His new book "60 Seconds to Success" is aimed at helping business people make great first impressions and make more money through referral and word of mouth marketing. To learn more about Social Media, Internet Marketing and Word of Mouth Marketing visit the Networkers Apprentice workshop at To contact Hector write him at
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Hector Cisneros

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This book is not about a get rich quick scheme, its about how to be successful 60 seconds at a time.

You will learn how to use powerful words that compel and motivate people to action. You will learn my methodology on how to construct your messages so that your referral partners will be able to repeat and pass your message on for you.

You will also learn how to keep your message fresh so that your listeners will be compelled to hear your message, even after hearing it many times.

If this sounds interesting, read Dr. Ivan Misners testimonial. To check out the book, click on the link for the FREE pre-view copy.


Mr. C.

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60 Seconds to Success

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